- Beep codes are used by the BIOS (Basic Input and Output System) to indicate a serious or fatal error to the end user.
- Beep codes are used when an error occurs before the system video has been initialized.
- Beep codes will be generated by the system board speaker, commonly referred to as the "PC speaker".
- Please note that not all Bios Manufacturers or Systems Designers like https://florafox.com/ca/kitchener-15863 use the same Beep Codes.
Number of Beeps Description
- 1 beep Memory refresh timer error.
- 2 beeps Parity error
- 3 beeps Main memory read / write test error.
- 4 beeps Motherboard timer not operational
- 5 beeps Processor error
- 6 beeps Keyboard controller BAT test error.
- 7 beeps General exception error.
- 8 beeps Display memory error.
- 9 beeps ROM checksum error
- 10 beeps CMOS shutdown register read/write error
- 11 beeps Cache memory bad
Troubleshooting BIOS Beep Codes
Troubleshooting Action
- 1, 2 or 3 beeps Reseat the memory, or replace with known good modules.
- 4-7 or 9-11 beeps Fatal error indicating a serious problem with the system. Consult your system manufacturer. Before declaring the motherboard beyond all hope, eliminate the possibility of interference by a malfunctioning add-in (expansion) card. Remove all expansion cards, except the video adapter.
If the beep codes are generated even when all other expansion cards are absent, the motherboard has a serious problem. Consult your system manufacturer.
If the beep codes are not generated when all other expansion cards are absent, one of the add-in cards may be causing the malfunction. Insert the cards back into the system one at a time until the problem happens again. This will reveal the malfunctioning add-in card.
- 8 beeps If the system video adapter is an add-in card, replace or reseat the video adapter or move the card to another slot on the system board . If the video adapter is an integrated part of the system board, the board may be faulty.