  UTC Time Conversion
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Use the following conversion table to convert UTC to your own local time zone.

  Local Time Zone Conversion from
    Time at 12:00
ADT - Atlantic Daylight      -3   hours             9   am
AST - Atlantic Standard
EDT - Eastern Daylight
     -4   hours             8   am
EST - Eastern Standard
CDT - Central Daylight
     -5   hours             7   am
CST - Central Standard
MDT - Mountain Daylight
     -6   hours             6   am
MST - Mountain Standard
PDT - Pacific Daylight
     -7   hours             5   am
PST - Pacific Standard
ADT - Alaskan Daylight
     -8   hours             4   am
ALA - Alaskan Standard      -9   hours             3   am
HAW - Hawaiian Standard      -10 hours             2   am
Nome, Alaska      -11 hours             1   am
CET - Central European
FWT - French Winter
MET - Middle European
MEWT - Middle European Winter
SWT - Swedish Winter
     +1   hour             1   pm
EET - Eastern European, USSR Zone 1      +2  hours             2   pm
BT - Baghdad, USSR Zone 2      +3  hours             3   pm
ZP4 - USSR Zone 3      +4  hours             4   pm
ZP5 - USSR Zone 4      +5  hours             5   pm
ZP6 - USSR Zone 5      +6  hours             6   pm
WAST - West Australian Standard      +7  hours             7   pm
CCT - China Coast, USSR Zone 7      +8  hours             8   pm
JST - Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8      +9  hours             9   pm
EAST - East Australian Standard GST
Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9
    +10 hours             10 pm
IDLE - International Date Line
NZST - New Zealand Standard
NZT - New Zealand
    +12 hours             Midnight

 H a v e    a    g r e a t    t i m e  !!